NSK Future Forum 4


今回の「SENSE OF MOTION」は、視点を変えることで感じられる動きのあり方について、さまざまな角度から考えてみたいと思います。

A discussion on the relative nature of motion―Even the largest-scale motion can seem invisible depending on your perspective.

The word “motion” does not express something definitive or constant. It is quite subjective, depending on our vantage point and where we place our “axis.” For example: Can anyone actually feel the movement of the earth we stand on as it rotates at a speed of 1700 km per hour? The same applies to the difference in how humans sense motion in comparison to other living creatures. Even the motion of things that appear to be moving speedily may also seem still and unseen when we change our perspective. Capturing movement from differing points of view may give us a new awareness of the scale of diversity we live in.
In this year’s “SENSE OF MOTION: NSK Future Forum,” we will engage motion from different angles to explore differences in perception arising from circumstance.


NSK VISION 2026 Project SENSE OF MOTION—Future Forum 4

Discussion:後藤忠徳(地下探査学者、兵庫県立大学教授) × 黒木真理(水圏生態学者、東京大学大学院助教)

Presentation:高橋裕士(WOW inc. President / Executive Producer)
Discussion:森田真生(独立研究者) × 三澤遥(日本デザインセンター / デザイナー) × ドミニク・チェン(早稲田大学文化構想学部准教授)


会場:スパイラルホール(スパイラル3F) 東京都港区南青山5-6-23
(東京メトロ表参道駅 B1・B3出口すぐ)


NSK VISION 2026 Project SENSE OF MOTION — Future Forum 4
December 7th, 2019 / 15:00-18:50 (Doors open: 14:15)
Admission:Free (advanced reservation required)
Venue:Spiral Hall (Spiral 3F)
5-6-23, Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Omotesando Station (Ginza-line, Chiyoda-line, Hanzomon-line) B1, B3 Exit
Please make reservation on the Peatix
Inquiries: 03-3498-1171 (Spiral)

Organized by NSK Ltd.
Produced by Nobuko Shimuta
Planned and Produced by Spiral / Wacoal Art Center
Art Direction by Atsuki Kikuchi

理学博士。東京大学理学部生物科卒。東京大学大学院理学系研究科人類学専攻博士課程修了。タンザニア野生動物局、東京大学理学部人類学教室助手、ケンブリッジ大学フェロー、専修大学助教授・教授、イェール大学人類学部客員准教授、早稲田大学政治経済学部教授を経て、2006 年総合研究大学院大学教授。2007年先導科学研究科生命共生体進化学専攻長、2011年先導科学研究科長、2014年理事。2017年4月より学長(現職)。専門は行動生態学、自然人類学。野生のチンパンジー、イギリスのダマジカ、野生ヒツジ、スリランカのクジャクなどの研究を行ってきた。最近は人間の進化と適応の研究を行なっている。2008年より日本人間行動進化学会会長。2012年日本動物行動学会日高賞受賞。元国家公安委員。
Mariko Hasegawa
President, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Mariko Hasegawa, Ph.D. Graduation from The University of Tokyo, School of Science, and obtained Ph.D. degree in Anthropology from Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo. Worked at the Tanzania Wildlife Service and the Laboratory of Anthropology, Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo. She taught as an associate professor and professor at Senshu University, and as an associate professor at the Department of Anthropology at Yale University and as a professor at the School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, became a professor at SOKENDAI in 2006, in 2007 dean of Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems at SOKENDAI, in 2011 then dean of School of Advanced Sciences, became Executive Director at SOKENDAI in 2014. From April in 2017, became President of SOKENDAI. Her specialty is Human behavioral ecology and Evolutionary psychology. She has studied behavior of wild chimpanzee, fallow deer, soay and peafowl. Recently she is conducting research on human evolution significance of human adolescence. She is the President of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society of Japan from 2008, and she received the Hidaka Award from the Japan Ethological Society in 2012.
Tada-nori Goto
Exploration Geophysist
Tada-nori Goto was born in Osaka. He graduated from Faculty of Science, and Graduate School of Science, Kobe University. He received a Ph.D degree from Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. After working at the University of Tokyo, Aichi University of Education, JAMSTEC, and Kyoto University, he is a professor in Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo. His research interest is in geophysical exploration and geoelectromagnetism. For illuminating the underground and sub-seafloor world not by visible light but by electric current, he have developed his own exploration technologies, then conducted surveys of sub-seafloor active faults and resources, groundwater explorations, and archaeological prospections. He wrote several books: "Lecture of Sea", "Science of Underground", and "Great Deformation of Japan Island". He constantly update various topics of the ocean and the earth together with offshore survey reports in his blog.
東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科助教。専門は魚類生態学。ウナギ、アユ、サクラマスなど海と川を移動する回遊魚の生態を研究。主な著書に『旅するウナギ─1億年の時空をこえて』(東海大学出版会・共著)、『ウナギの博物誌─謎多き生物の生態から文化まで』(化学同人・編著)、『うなぎのうーちゃん だいぼうけん』(福音館書店・文)などがある。
Mari Kuroki
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Mari Kuroki, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Aquatic Bioscience, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo. The current main topics are migration and life history strategies of diadromous fishes such as eels, ayu, and salmon. Special emphasis has been on biological and ecological perspectives. Main publications are ”Eels on the Move” (Tokai University Press) and "Eels and Humans” (Springer).
WOW inc. President / Executive Producer
WOW inc.代表。1700年代から代々続く刀匠の家庭で伝統工芸や古美術品に囲まれて育つ。1997年に仙台で会社を設立し、2000年に東京、2007年にロンドン、2018年にサンフランシスコへ活動の場を広げる。映像のプロデュース以外にも、ビジュアルブック「WOW Visual Design」、アートブック「WOW10」の発行人を務める。2015年には、マーク・ニューソンデザインによる日本刀「aikuchi」を総合プロデュース。現代における日本の伝統と美の普及にも取り組んでいる。
Hiroshi Takahashi
WOW inc. President / Executive Producer
WOW inc. representative. Grew up surrounded by traditional crafts and antique art in a swordsmith family that goes back generations to the 1700s. Established a company in Sendai in 1997, then expanded to Tokyo in 2000, London in 2007, and San Francisco in 2018. In addition to producing films, he is the publisher for visual book "WOW Visual Design" and art book "WOW10." In 2015, he collaborated with Marc Newson to produce a Japanese sword called "aikuchi." He is working to promote Japanese tradition and beauty in the present day.
Masao Morita
Independent Scholar
Independent Scholar, Masao Morita (b.1985) is known for his public lectures and writings on several topics mostly related to mathematics. His first book "Embodied Mathematics" (not available in English yet) received the Kobayashi Hideyo Prize. Masao is also well known for his "Maths Concerts" held in many places both within and outside Japan.
日本デザインセンター / デザイナー
主な仕事に、水中環境をあらたな風景に再構築した「waterscape」、飛行する紙のかたちを研究する「散華プロジェクト」、takeo paper show 2018「precision」への出品作「動紙」、上野動物園の知られざる魅力をビジュアル化した「UENO PLANET」、ロゴの自在な展開性を追究したKITTEやTOKYO BIG SIGHTのVIがある。著書に『waterscape』(出版:X-Knowledge)
Haruka Misawa
Misawa was born in Gunma Prefecture in 1982. After graduating from the Interior Design Course of Musashino Art University and working at the design office nendo, she joined Hara Design Institute at Nippon Design Center in 2009. She founded Misawa Design Institute in 2014.
Misawa Design Institute use an experimental approach, attempting to observe the principles behind things and visualize the unknown possibilities to be found there.
Her major projects include waterscape, which redesigned an underwater environment into new aquatic landscapes, the Sange Project, which investigated paper shapes that fly, Paper Verb, which was exhibited at takeo paper show 2018 “precision,” UENO PLANET, which visualized the unknown charms of Ueno Zoo, and visual identity for KITTE and TOKYO BIG SIGHT, projects notable for exploring logo versatility. She is the author of waterscape, published by X-Knowledge in 2018.

PHOTO : 望月孝
1981年生まれ。フランス国籍。博士(学際情報学)。2017年4月より早稲田大学文学学術院・表象メディア論系・准教授。カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)デザイン/メディアアート学科卒業、東京大学大学院学際情報学府修士課程・博士課程終了。メディアアートセンターNTT InterCommunication Center[ICC]研究員/キュレーターを経て、NPOクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ジャパン(現コモンスフィア)を立ち上げ、理事としてオープンライセンスの普及活動を行う。2008年に株式会社ディヴィデュアルを共同創業、オンラインコミュニティやゲームソフト開発を行い、2015年と2016年には連続してApple Best of Appstoreを受賞。2008年IPA未踏IT人材育成プログラム・スーパークリエイター認定。NHK NEWSWEB第四期ネットナビゲーター(2015年4月~2016年3月)として一年間、情報技術の専門家として深夜ニュース番組のホストを務める。2016年度から2018年度までグッドデザイン賞・審査員、「技術と情報」、「社会基盤の進化」フォーカスイシューディレクターを務める。XXII La Triennale Milano『Broken Nature』展(2019.3.1~9.1)でぬか床ロボット『NukaBot』、あいちトリエンナーレ2019『情の時代』展(2019.8.1~10.1)では人々の遺言の執筆プロセスを可視化する『Last Words』を出展。主な著書に、『電脳のレリギオ:ビッグデータ社会で心をつくる』(NTT出版)、『インターネットを生命化する:プロクロニズムの思想と実践』(青土社)、『フリーカルチャーをつくるためのガイドブック:クリエイティブ・コモンズによる創造の循環』(フィルムアート社)等。訳書に『シンギュラリティ:人工知能から超知能まで』(NTT出版)等。
Dominique Chen
Associate Professor, School of Culture, Media and Society, Waseda University
Born in 1981. Ph.d. (Information Studies) Associate Professor at Waseda University. After working as researcher and curator at NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC), became director of NPO Commonsphere (Creative Commons Japan) and co-founded Dividual. Is a certified Super Creator in the MITOU program (Exploratory IT Human Resources Project). Served as a net navigator for NHK News Web during the fourth quarter (from April 2015 to March 2016). Juror for Good Design Award 2016 and director of the award's Topical Issue "Technology and Information" category. Among books he has written are "Denno no religio (Cyborg's religio) published by NTT Publishing, "Intaneto o seimeika suru purokuronizumu no shiso to jissen (Giving life to the Internet - the philosophy and application of prochronism) published by Seidosha, "Furi karucha wo tsukurutame no gaido buku kurieiteibu komonzu niyoru sozono junkan(Guidebook to creating a free culture; the circle of creativity born from Creative Commons)" published by Film Art. Has translated among others, "The Technological Singularity" by Murray Shanahan published by NTT Publishing.
タワーレコード「NO MUSIC, NO LIFE.」、リクルート「ゼクシィ」、サントリー「ほろよい」、東京メトロ、パルコなど、既存の枠に捉われない数々の話題の広告キャンペーンを長く手掛ける。
2008年から3年間 MCを務めたNHK「トップランナー」を始め、NHK Eテレ「福島をずっと見ているTV」、TOKYO FM/JFN「風とロック」、ラジオ福島「風とロック CARAVAN福島」等、各番組のレギュラーパーソナリティーとしても活動。創刊100号を数えるフリーペーパー「月刊 風とロック」の発行人・編集長であり、2011年大晦日のNHK紅白歌合戦に出場したロックバンド「猪苗代湖ズ」のギタリストでもある。
Michihiko Yanai
Creative Director, Special Advisor to the President, Tokyo University of the Arts, Professor of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts
Michihiko Yanai, creative director; born 1964, prefecture of Fukushima.
- Creative director, Fukushima prefectural government.
- Director, Shibuya Radio (FM 87.6MHz)
- Publisher and editor-in-chief of monthly paper KAZE & ROCK since 2005.
- Guitarist for rock band “Inawashirokos”
Joined Hakuhōdō After graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. Working independently since 2003, founded KAZE & ROCK program and monthly magazine. Has led several advertising campaigns; better known for a number of avant-garde projects, such as Tower Records’ “NO MUSIC, NO LIFE,” Recruit’s “ZEXY,” Suntory’s “Horoyoi,” Tokyo Metro, PARCO, among others. Achievements in television include MC of NHK’s “Top Runner,” and NHK E-TV’s “Fukushima wo zutto miteiru TV;” while activities in radio work include TOKYO FM’s “KAZE & ROCK,” Radio Fukushima’s “KAZE & ROCK CARAVAN Fukushima,” and regular personality appearances on assorted programs. His rock band participated in the 2011 NHK “Kōhaku Uta Gassen.”