Mizuki Misumi
詩人 三角みづ紀が、NSKの各地の工場を取材し「詩」を制作。働く人たちのインタビューから、それぞれの工場の特色や土地の特色を言葉として紡ぎ出す。
詩人 三角みづ紀が、NSKの各地の工場を取材し「詩」を制作。働く人たちのインタビューから、それぞれの工場の特色や土地の特色を言葉として紡ぎ出す。
Compose Poems of NSK Plants
The poet Mizuki Misumi will create new verse based on visits to NSK plants. She will interview employees at the plants and express the individual characteristics of each site and area in poetry. The results will be displayed in the exhibition as posters featuring the poetry.
The poet Mizuki Misumi will create new verse based on visits to NSK plants. She will interview employees at the plants and express the individual characteristics of each site and area in poetry. The results will be displayed in the exhibition as posters featuring the poetry.