Takeshi Ishiguro
《Soft Metal Structure Ball》

《Spinning Chair》

《Soft Metal Structure Ball》
With a diameter measuring 1.5 meters, this large ball is made of thousands of bearings combined with aluminum and springs. In spite of its apparent size and weight, the flexibility of the bearings and springs evokes a feeling not ordinarily associated with metal products.

《Spinning Chair》
This round chair seems like the kind of furniture item that could be found in front of a piano in a house long ago. Featuring an internal ball screw, the stool automatically rotates when you sit down on it and gently descends. Stand up and the seat returns to its starting position.

photo: Junpei Kato ©SPIRAL/Wacoal Art Center

1969山梨県生まれ、育英工業高等専門学校卒業後、1995年にロンドン、ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アート工業デザイン科修了。1996年に米IDEO社入社サンフランシスコ事務所に勤務し広くプロダクトデザイン、戦略にたずさわる、1998年「Rice Salt&Pepper」、2007年に加湿器「Chimney」がニューヨーク近代美術館永久保存に決まる。1999年同社東京に転勤し2001年退社。2002年から個人で活動を開始、プロダクト、アート、舞台演出など多岐に活動中。

Takeshi Ishiguro
Born in 1969 in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. He graduated from Royal College of Art, Industrial Design Department in London in 1995. Joining IDEO in their San Francisco studio in 1996, he worked as product designer and strategist. In 2002, he established Takeshi Ishiguro Creative Lab to work on arts and product design. He has been active in a wide range of projects, such as stage art, teaching innovative product design to global companies, conducting design research, and producing.