Rhizomatiks Research

コンセプト/ソフトウェアプログラミング 真鍋大度
コンセプト/ハードウェアデザイン・プログラミング 石橋素
プロダクトデザイン 西本桃子
クラフト 望月俊孝
マネージメント 小幡倫世

This dynamic sculpture replicates human movement through the smooth motion of ball screws, exploring a new relationship between technology and the human body.

Concept/Software Programming:Daito Manabe
Concept/Hardware Design・Programming:Motoi Ishibashi
ProductDesign:Momoko Nishimoto
Craft:Toshitaka Mochizuki
Management:Tomoyo Obata

photo: Junpei Kato ©SPIRAL/Wacoal Art Center

「Rhizomatiks Research」は人とテクノロジーの関係について様々なコラボレーションワークを通じて世の中にアート、エンターテイメントプロジェクトを発表していくための組織です。

Rhizomatiks Research, researching into the relationship between human beings and technology, is an organization which introduces to the world, art and entertainment projects through collaborating with creators including artists, researchers, graphic designers, athletes, dancers, choreographers, directors, musicians and engineers. Among Rhizomatiks works, Rhizomatiks Research mainly takes up projects focusing on the field of research and development, and sets priority in opening a new expression for the future.The team which is leading Rhizomatiks Research, has produced projects with artists such as Perfume and ELEVENPLAY in addition to media-art and data-art projects, and is also in charge of all processes through the projects―planning, implementation and operation.